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Chapter 10

Using Student Feedback to Inform Instruction

Student voices are the most important voices in education. To improve education, we need to listen to them. After reading Chapter 10, choose one of the following activities to deepen your learning.

It’s critical to have students share feedback about their experience in your class, so you can learn what options and choices they need to fully engage. Consider exploring some of the following resources on feedback to help to capture students’ voices as they become partners in the design and delivery of their education.

  • Read the article, Why Kids Should Grade Teachers, by Amanda Ripley, published in the Atlantic Monthly.
  • Visit the Tripod Project website to explore videos, articles, and research on why collecting student feedback improves teacher instruction.
  • Read this article “3 Ways of Getting Student Feedback to Improve Your Teaching” which identifies 3 ways you can get feedback from students. Although the article is about collecting feedback at the end of the year, the strategies could be used any time.
  • In MA, the results of student surveys are a part of the teacher evaluation process. View the model surveys here. 
  • Watch the Teaching Channel video, Measures of Effective Teaching: Student Feedback (7 min.) and consider the following questions as you watch:
    • In addition to giving the survey, how does Mr. Ronevich encourage student voice in his classroom?
    • What are the challenges of asking for student feedback?
    • How can students be taught to give constructive feedback?