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The Benefits of a Graduate Certificate in UDL

Katie Novak
Katie Novak
July 17, 2023

If you're up for a promotion and the interview team asks, "How would you best meet the needs of a diverse group of learners," you don't want to say, "Can I get back to you later?" That is NOT an effective strategy for career advancement. Worry not - we've got you. One way to be more prepared for the next step in your career is to pursue a graduate degree in Universal Design for Learning (UDL). 

When embarking on your career journey and striving to achieve your goals, it's important to consider the necessary steps to guide you toward success. As an assistant superintendent overseeing human resources, I had the opportunity to review resumes, conduct interviews, and observe demonstration lessons. Given these experiences, I think it's a safe bet to say that all employers will be hiring and promoting employees through the lens of inclusive practice. Inclusive practices are important not only for our students but also in our workplace. Employers and employees are placing a high priority on building inclusive workplaces, as they have proven to result in improved retention rates and happier employees. So, administrators, this program is for you too! At Novak Education, we offer two graduate courses in UDL. Benefits include:

Gain a Competitive Edge

Continuing education in UDL not only fosters professional growth but also presents benefits for advancing your career. First, it strengthens your resume. (Side note: If your resume needs a refresh, check out the templates on Canva. You're welcome!)

Including the certification on your resume communicates your proficiency in these areas and your ability to create inclusive learning environments. Additionally, as a part of our programs, we encourage learners to develop a digital portfolio to share the artifacts of your learning with authentic audiences. This portfolio serves as a valuable tool to provide evidence of your professional growth during evaluation cycles and can be linked to your resume or cover letter.

Not looking for a new job or promotion (yet!)? A graduate certificate in UDL can lead to progression along the pay scale while also highlighting your dedication to learning. 

Enhance Instructional Strategies

Educators who possess a solid understanding of UDL are equipped with powerful tools to meet the diverse needs of their students in a more effective and inclusive manner. By embracing UDL principles, educators can transform instructional methods, materials, and assessments to create flexible learning environments that remove barriers and support the success of all learners. Learning how to co-create these experiences with learners also creates increased engagement and more work/life balance. 

The benefits of UDL extend far beyond the immediate classroom context. By incorporating UDL principles into teaching practices, educators prepare students for the challenges they may face in their future endeavors (and competing with AI!). These principles equip students with essential skills such as flexibility, adaptability, and self-advocacy, enabling them to thrive in diverse learning environments and navigate the complex obstacles they may encounter throughout their lives.

Demonstrate Commitment to Professional Development

Pursuing a graduate certificate in UDL showcases your dedication to continuous professional growth and lifelong learning. Employers value educators who proactively enhance their skills and stay updated with best practices in the field. Your dedication to ongoing learning in UDL highlights your commitment to meeting the diverse needs of your learners and colleagues and your passion for your craft.

Differentiate yourself from the crowd by taking the next step in your career and acquiring the skills and competencies needed to support the implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the learning communities we serve. I'm telling you, if you're looking for your next step, someone will ask how prepared you are to meet the needs of diverse learners and educators. We want you to nail the answer to that question!

Learn more about our Universal Design for Learning Graduate Certificate Program:

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