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PLC Meeting Protocol

Lindie Johnson
Lindie Johnson
October 24, 2021

If you have read UDL Now!, you know that forming a community of educators who work on implementing UDL together is critical for success. We need to have supports, resources, and opportunities to collaborate so we can learn together, lean on one another, and celebrate our successes. A PLC can be the absolutely best way to approach this work because it helps us focus on student outcomes. If you aren't familiar with what a PLC is, it's important to clarify that it isn't just a different name for a faculty meeting. PLCs set out to answer four questions (DuFour):
  • What do we want all students to know and be able to do?
  • How will we know if they learn it?
  • How will we respond when some students do not learn?
  • How will we extend the learning for students who are already proficient?
When using a PLC to evaluate student performance and outcomes during the implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), it is critical that we model UDL best practices within our PLCs. To help you do this, we are happy to announce that we have created a PLC protocol just for this purpose. So, dive in, find your PLC peeps, and get started trying, failing, correcting, and moving along this beautiful path of inclusive practice together. 
PLC Resource Download - Click to Download


Take your professional learning community to the next limit. Learn to maximize PLC’s to build the capacity of educators.  Learn more about Universally Designed Professional Learning Communities. 

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