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A Teacher's Guide to UDL (Resource)

Katie Novak
Katie Novak
September 3, 2023

If you are new to the term Universal Design for Learning, more commonly referred to as UDL, you may be wondering what it is. UDL is an educational framework developed by CAST, Inc based on decades of neuroscience research and is endorsed by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This framework is being adopted by teachers, schools, and districts around the globe and is considered best practice for teaching ALL students in an inclusive learning environment. UDL empowers students by putting students in charge of their own learning.

UDL recognizes and celebrates the beautifully diverse needs of learners in the classroom. It acknowledges that every student is unique, with different abilities, backgrounds, and skills. It embraces the idea that education should be accessible to all. UDL aims to break down barriers and provide equal opportunities for every student to succeed.

If you feel like you aren't able to meet the beautifully diverse needs of the learners in your classroom, UDL is for you. It offers a comprehensive approach to teaching that ensures every student can actively engage, participate, and thrive in the learning process. By implementing the principles of UDL, you can create a learning environment that is flexible, adaptable, and responsive to the needs of all students.

But you may be overwhelmed when looking at the Guidelines and wonder where in the world you are supposed to get started. It's important to remember that UDL is an expansive framework that can't be learned in a day. Think of it more like the skill of learning to speak a new language. It takes time, will come more naturally to some than others, and is learned little by little. Taking small steps can help you move forward, whereas trying to do it all at once may feel impossible.

To help you navigate the world of UDL, this Teacher’s Guide includes a wealth of resources, planning tools, and inspiration for lesson design, pacing, and assessment. It provides practical strategies and tips to help you implement UDL in your classroom and make it an integral part of your teaching practice. This guide is designed to support you on your UDL journey, whether you are just getting started or looking to take your UDL practice to the next level.

By embracing UDL, you are not only creating an inclusive learning environment, but you are also empowering your students to become active participants in their own education. You are providing them with the tools and opportunities they need to succeed, regardless of variability. So, let's embark on this UDL journey together and create a classroom where every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Download Guide.

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