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UDL Now! Part II

Putting Theory Into Practice

This level 2 course is for educators who have an understanding of Universal Design for Learning but are looking to take the next step on their UDL journey.

Through out the course, educators will move from UDL theory to the implementation of UDL in their classrooms and answer questions like, “Where do I get started?” and “What does UDL look like?” As educators, we want to encourage our students to make choices, take risks, and learn from their mistakes. To get started with implementing UDL, we must model this practice and understand that every trial won’t be a success. By embodying expert learning and a growth mindset, we will learn and adapt and eventually reach our goals.

We will explore options for diving deeper into UDL lesson design and instruction. Together, we will unpack lesson plans, dive into universally designed learning strategies, and discuss tools and scaffolds that can support you on your UDL implementation journey. 

Topics covered include:

  • Universally Designing Lessons & Instruction
  • Creating Firm Goals with Flexible Means
  • Creating Equitable Assessments the UDL Way
  • Creating Equitable Materials the UDL Way
  • Utilizing Equitable Methods to Engage Your Learners
  • Creating an Equitable Physical Space
  • Supporting Self-Regulation
  • Reflection: Expert Teaching and Expert Learning


Click the link below to schedule a personalized, facilitated online course for your district. 

At a Glance








45 continuing education hours





Course Objectives

Educators will be able to unpack a lesson plan and identify existing barriers that may prevent all learners from accessing the learning and from experiencing success. 
Educators will be able to revise learning experiences to include flexible materials, methods, and assessments based on meeting a firm goal. 

Educators will understand how UDL connects to the best practices of social emotional learning and be able to design a learning environment that supports social emotional health and academic success.

What to Expect


  • Eight online learning modules containing videos, resources, and weekly assignments and/or discussions.
  • Option of four 1 hour synchronous sessions with the instructor and fellow classmates.
  • Direct interaction and feedback from your instructor and the opportunity to build community with your classmates through course discussion boards.
  • Lots of options and choices - UDL is at the foundation of everything we do.
  • Participants will be expected to pass in work by the due date, but will also be given the opportunity to revise and improve upon their work (just as students in their class should be given the same respect using the UDL framework). 
  • All assignments can be resubmitted for feedback and grading up until the last day of the course.


Successful completion of Introduction to UDL or level 1 knowledge of implementing UDL.

Pricing Options

The fee listed above covers your course registration with Novak Educational Consulting, Inc. only. You may also choose to purchase graduate level professional development credits or clock hours (for Washington State teachers) at the time of registration. Bulk discounts are available on registration fees for groups of 3 or more. Please contact us for details.

Course Certificates & Transcripts

If you receive a grade of C or better, you will receive a completion certificate for 45 hours from Novak Education at the conclusion of the course. Please check in with your school or district to determine if this alone will be sufficient for salary points or advancement. Some states require additional proof of completion such as clock hours, contact hours, or credits. Graduate level professional development credits may be obtained for an additional $200 at the time of registration (UMass Global or Teachers College of San Joaquin). Please check with your school or district to ensure these will satisfy their requirements prior to enrolling.