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The Education Table Podcast

Episode 4 - Increasing Engagement with Firm Goals & Teacher Clarity (1)

Episode Description:

In this episode of The Education Table with Katie Novak, we’ll examine the impact of grade-level standards and high expectations on student achievement. We’ll also review the importance of firm goals and teacher clarity, drawing from personal experiences and research, and, as always, share concrete strategies for implementation. This episode will highlight blended learning models, including station rotation, the power of UDL, a discussion about decoding, and the value of diagnostic assessments.

This episode is for teachers who want to enhance student engagement and create purposeful learners. It will also benefit those looking to empower learners and improve communication with their students.

Stay tuned for future episodes as we share student engagement strategies and use data to inform decisions. Join the movement. Transform education. Hit play on The Education Table.

Increase Engagement with Firm Goals & Teacher Clarity



Additional Resources to Explore:

  • Education Trust. (2018). The Opportunity Myth: What Students Can Show Us About How School Is Letting Them Down – and How to Fix It.
  • National Center for Education Statistics. (2020). The Condition of Education 2020.
  • Journal of Educational Research. (2019). High Expectations and Student Achievement: A Comprehensive Review.

The Education Table

In The Education Table, Katie Novak offers insights into inclusive and innovative education, all in 10 minutes or less. Each episode will provoke thought, inspire action, and drive change, offering the tools necessary to transform educational experiences for every learner.

Join the Movement. Listen & Subscribe Now!

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