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The Ultimate Guide to UDL

UDL Resource Roundup

Universal Design for Learning also known as UDL, is an education framework based on decades of research in neuroscience and endorsed by the Every Student Succeeds Act. UDL is considered best practice for teaching all students in an inclusive learning environment. 

What is UDL?

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is not just a framework for curriculum design. It is a belief that all students are capable of learning and that instructional methods, when implemented intentionally, can help all students succeed. So, what does this look like? Hopefully the articles and resources below can help to set you on the path to implement Universal Design for Learning in your practice.

How to Start Implementing UDL?

UDL Implementation doesn't happen at all once. We recommend taking a look at the sample timeline below to get an idea of what your first year may look like. 

Universal Design for All

UDL is not something to be implemented in a silo. Once you have an understanding of UDL, you can incorporate it into additional teaching methods. Below is a sample of how the below methods and frameworks intersect with UDL: 

Professional Development: