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Open-Enrollment Facilitated Courses

Join educators from around the world in an open enrollment session

UDL Facilitated Courses

Experience UDL firsthand with our flexible learning options! Best for small groups and single educators who are deadline-focused and interested in mastery-oriented feedback from an instructor. Prefer to work on your own time? Check out on-demand courses. Looking to enroll a leadership team? For groups of 15 or more, you may want to consider a private facilitated course


Empowering Educators with UDL: A Coaching Institute

Learn how to cultivate a culture of collaboration, experimentation, and innovation, along with fostering a growth mindset among staff to ensure a shared vision and implementation of UDL.

September 2024 - May 2025

    • Recommended for leaders and coaches
    • Learners have the option to take it individually or as a team
    • 3 Graduate-Level Credit Option

Meeting the Needs of All With UDL

Gain the knowledge to eliminate barriers that prevent our students and communities from reaching their ultimate potential.

Fall 2024: 9/23 - 12/20

    • Recommended for teachers, leaders, and staff looking to advance their learning journey.
    • Learners have the option to take as a 7-part webinar series or as a course for grad credit
    • 3 Graduate-Level Credit Option 

Building a Strong Foundation for UDL and Innovation

With a focus on the four components of the core of teaching and learning, modeled after the best-selling book, Innovate Inside the Box, the course is designed to help to scale the core through the principles of UDL.

Fall 2024: 9/11 - 12/15

    Course is provided in partnership with The Penn Literacy Network of The University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education, George Couros, and Novak Education


Building Success With MTSS

Create visions, theories of action and planning models to support both student and educator learning.

September 2024 - April 2025

    • Recommended for leaders and stakeholders looking to take practical steps toward building your MTSS
    • 3 Graduate-Level Credit Option

Implementing UDL in Today’s Classrooms

Dive into the three guiding principles of UDL and learn how to apply them to your lesson design.

Spring 2025: 1/14 - 4/20

    Course is provided in partnership with The Penn Literacy Network of The University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education, Katie Novak, and Novak Education


Empowering Educators with UDL: A Coaching Approach

Learn how to cultivate a culture of collaboration, experimentation, and innovation, along with fostering a growth mindset among staff to ensure a shared vision and implementation of UDL.

Summer 2025: 5/21 - 7/2

    • Recommended for leaders and coaches
    • Learners have the option to take it individually or as a team
    • 3 Graduate-Level Credit Option

Leading Amazing Schools

Unleash your team's collective power! An opportunity for building leadership teams to collaborate as they take practical steps toward building amazing, inclusive schools.

September 2024 - April 2025

    • Recommended for building leadership teams looking to foster impactful change in your practice and school
    • 3 Graduate-Level Credit Option
Discussion Group@3x-1

Want More Live Time with Our Experts?

Explore our Virtual Learning Institutes and Learning Series.

MTSS    UDL    Equity  Coaching 

Prefer to Go at Your Own Pace or Self-Check Your Knowledge?

Would you rather self-check your knowledge through quizzes than hand in projects or respond to discussions? Don't feel like you need the feedback? 

Learn about Self-Directed Courses