
Change Will Come - Novak Educational Consulting

Written by Katie Novak | 6/5/20 3:29 PM

A Heart Check

As written and told by three voices: Andratesha Fritzgerald, Mirko Chardin, and Katie Novak, EdD

Voice 1: CHANGE will come
Voice 2: Change WILL come
Voice 3: Change will COME

Voice 1: Change will come when
Systems of privilege admit the game has been fixed
When the injustice that weighs so heavy on my community is recognized
and the burden is shared and lifted
When the image of racism isn’t sidestepped in mirrors all over America.
When my son and my daughter have no need to fear the policing or the policies that police them academically
When my activism lights the fire that burns in your actions, your choices, your conversations, your sidelining, your sitting, and your silence…
That’s When Change will come!

Voice 2: Change will come when
When black men are no longer vilified
When the culture of white supremacy is dismantled
When schools teach of the greatness of black and brown civilizations and culture
When the focus of our interactions with one another, revolve around impact and not intent
When we recognize that trying to be a good person, is not good enough
When we start to celebrate difference opposed to shunning it
When we normalize talking about race and injustice
When we acknowledge and own the fact that, this is self work and that systems are made up of human beings
When our individual and collective actions are aligned with our words, hopes, values and dreams
When well-intended privileged white people are willing to change and commit themselves to working on change, each and every day
That’s When Change will come!

Voice 3: Change will come when
We, as white Americans, put aside our own discomfort
our own privilege
to see, to stand for, to stand by, to elevate
to fight
because our lives
our children’s lives
have always mattered

Mattering cannot be a privilege.

Black lives matter.
Believe it.
Say it.
Mean it.

Black lives matter.
That’s When Change will come

Voice 1: CHANGE will come
Voice 2: Change WILL come
Voice 3: Change will COME

VOICE 1: This has been a Heart Check